Personal Care and Assistance

Recovery Options can assist you with a range of personal care and everyday tasks, such as showering and dressing, meal planning and preparation, shopping, and house and yard work.

Our focus is on enabling you to maximise your independence. We do this by helping you to build the skills you need to meet your goals. We recognise that there is no ‘one size fits all’, so we work with you to tailor supports to your specific needs, wants and goals.

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Recovery Options works solely to achieve 100% customer satisfaction and services a myriad of disabilities such as physical, neurological, psycho- social, vision impairment, autism, complex high care, behavioural supports and provides 24/7 and end of life care.

Recovery Options also has its own team of support coordinators and goes a step further having access to architects, gardeners, cleaners, plumbers and carpenters, and Allied Health Professionals including SDA and SIL providers so you don’t need to navigate those services yourself. We can arrange them for you.

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