Office Team

Russell Bosnjakovic

Managing Director




Russell has a Bachelor of Social Work and a Bachelor of Arts in Recreation with a culmination of over 20 years of community service experience. This includes leading and coordinating sports teams with disabilities to unprecedented achievement, running and operating Youth Centres throughout Melbourne, and running the Flagstaff Crisis Accommodation Centre in North Melbourne on weekends. Russell has also worked in Community Corrections, Community Health, Mental Health, Residential Care, Transitional Housing, Community Radio, and as a phone counsellor for Parents Anonymous, to name a few.


Physical exercise, meditation, mountain walking, cycling, white sandy beaches, fast cars, personal development, and business. 


To evolve Recovery Options into a world-class disability service.

Shifts Scheduled

Staff Hired

Recovery Options works solely to achieve 100% customer satisfaction and services a myriad of disabilities such as physical, neurological, psycho- social, vision impairment, autism, complex high care, behavioural supports and provides 24/7 and end of life care.

Recovery Options also has its own team of support coordinators and goes a step further having access to architects, gardeners, cleaners, plumbers and carpenters, and Allied Health Professionals including SDA and SIL providers so you don’t need to navigate those services yourself. We can arrange them for you.

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